With regard to character, strength and ability, Hanuman was far superior to even humans. His surrender to the divine cause and his devotion to Lord Rama was unique, exemplary and unconditional. Even today devotees say that wherever the name of Lord Rama is chanted or mentioned, this sacred being would be present there listening to the chanting of his name and absorbed in his thoughts.
Lord Hanuman symbolically stands for pure devotion, complete surrender(saranagati) and absence of ego. His character tells us what we can do in our lives by becoming pure.
By taking pride ride on Hanumantha Vahana, the Lord sends a message to His devotees that any body can attain divinity if they are noble in their deeds and surrender to Him with true devotion.
TTD EO Sri Anil Kumar Singhal, TTD Board members Smt Sudha Narayanamurthy, Sri P Ramesh Babu, Tirumala JEO Sri KS Sreenivasa Raju, Temple DyEO Sri Haridranath, Peishkar Sri Ramesh and large number witnessed celestial procession.